I, like many of you, have been impacted by the not-so-friendly virus that is COVID-19.
I have been working with clients to help them pivot (ever seen that Friends episode where Ross tries to squeeze the mattress around the corner? Do yourself a favour and watch it!), pull things online, and work out what clients and customers need in this time.
There is so much negative news, people cannot stop talking about coronavirus, and we are living in fear (with not-so-clear direction from Scotty, I might add).
It’s times like these we need to face outwards and work out what service looks like for you and your business. Who can you serve at this time? What value can you add to current clients without the icky sell?
As you know, a lot of the work I do is face to face: Lunch with the Queen, Thriving Women workshops, and coaching. The whole kit and kaboodle. We have now moved most things online.
I recently had an interesting conversation with Bel Temby from Digital Services Lab, and we spoke about the idea of offering a rollover rather than a refund. What does that mean? Well, we are all small businesses, so let me tell you what I did for Lunch with the Queen.
Scheduled for April 23rd, our sold-out Lunch with the Queen now can’t go ahead, as restaurants are all closed due to COVID-19. So, I rang everyone (yes, I actually picked up the phone!) and offered them a rollover to a yet-to-be-determined date OR a refund and a Zoom call with all 16 guests, who could BYO lunch.
The result? Some fantastic conversations with awesome women, some of whom I am yet to meet, who profusely thanked me for picking up the phone to check in and explain the situation. Almost everyone chose the rollover and everyone is still meeting on Zoom because they want to connect, especially now!
People want to help. They want the chance to support others in business. I also want to continue to serve, and this seemed like the right choice for right now.
What about you? Do you need to offer your clients a rollover?
Feel free to get in touch with me here

I’m Emma, and I’m a business and executive coach who believes wholeheartedly in the potential of women. My coaching philosophy is simple- taking action leads to results- and I love working with women in business and in corporate roles to take their passion and drive and transform their professional and personal lives.
Be enthusiastic, optimistic and energetic, every day.