Tea with the Queen

Why Your Business Needs a Joy Audit (And How to Do One)



When was the last time you did a joy audit?

We’re not having enough joy in life or business. 

Let’s be honest: running a business can feel heavy. Between juggling family, ageing parents and business, it’s easy to lose sight of joy. 

We constantly compare ourselves to others. Many of us struggle with depression and anxiety. I keep hearing from people – especially women – that there’s just too much to keep up with. 

But despite this, I come bearing good news: business actually can be joyful. I know what you might be wondering what joy has to do with business success. Well, everything, actually. How you show up is how you attract people. Your vibe attracts your tribe. 

You can be a serious business woman and still bring joy. You can be a successful business owner and still enjoy having a laugh.

So, it’s time to do a joy audit on your business and bring some of that sunshine back into your life! 

Four Essential Questions

After experiencing the transformative power of joy in my own business, I’ve come up with four crucial questions you can ask yourself to bring it into yours:

1. What Activities Bring You Joy?

Map out your joy-bringing activities across different timeframes. What are you doing on the daily? For me, it’s as simple as my morning cup of tea. And weekly? One of my activities is my beloved roller skating sessions (believe it or not!). What do your monthly activities look like? I schedule solo getaways in our cabin for deep thinking. And how about yearly? What holidays and breaks have you got in the calendar? 

2. Are You Doing Enough of These Activities?

This is where most business owners falter. These joy-giving activities are often the first things we sacrifice when business gets busy. But they shouldn’t be. 

3. How Much Alone Time Do You Need?

As an introvert (surprise!), I need significant alone time to recharge. My daily 10,000 steps aren’t just for fitness – they’re my solitude sanctuary.  If I have a heavy coaching load one week, I know that I need to bring the energy. Carving out time in between for myself is crucial to do so.

4. Are You Actually Taking That Time?

Knowing you need something and actually doing it are two very different things. How can you tweak your schedule to prioritise what brings you joy?

The JOMO Revolution

I’ve embraced what I call JOMO (Joy Of Missing Out) instead of FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). During busy seasons, I’m selective about my commitments, and I’ve learnt to say not to nearly everything. And guess what? The world keeps turning, and my business continues to thrive.

Your Joy Audit Action Plan

Take a moment now to reflect on these questions. If you’re answering “no” to most of them, it’s time for a change. Joy isn’t just a nice-to-have in business; it’s essential for sustainable success.

Remember, happiness is an inside job. While external factors will always exist, cultivating internal joy creates resilience in both life and business.

What brings you joy in your business? I’d love to hear your thoughts.


For a copy of Emma’s book, ‘Go-getter: Raise your mojo, shift your mindset and thrive’ – https://www.emmamcqueen.com.au/book/

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Read The Full Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome to Tea with the Queen. I feel like starting this episode with a little ditty. You know the song, I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. Yeah. Then you go where? I want to talk about
Emma: bringing back the joy
I think that business can be heavy. I know that we have touched on anxiety. We've touched on ADHD.
We've touched on depression. We've touched on all the things. And I know there are some days where you don't feel like you want to do anything. You're not motivated. You're comparing yourself. All of those things. Obviously there are all different types and levels of depression or anxiety. But [00:01:00] today, what I want to focus on is bringing back the joy.
Bring it back, sing it back, bring it back, bring it back to me. Anyway, my editor is going to have so much fun with that. Uh, I'm sorry, I can't sing. But what I do want to say is. Business can be joyful. I know, who would have thought? I have banged on a lot about Day With the Queen, you know, a day, 120 women, every two years, big production, cannot do it every year because Too much of my energy.
But one of the things that we inserted into this year's day with the queen, which I was just not sure how it was going to go was a silent disco. Okay. So hear me out 120 women in the room, the silent disco peeps, doodoo gurus, they rocked up, dressed up, The 120 women were broken into three groups of 40 and I'm pretty sure everyone thought, Oh yeah, we're just going to dance for 10 minutes.
It was directly after lunch, which is always a tough crowd, right? Directly after lunch. And I learned from the last day with the [00:02:00] queen, there was a bit of a slump after lunch. So I thought, let's do something that's like going to bring back some energy. Anyway, the silent disco was chosen. Now, if anyone knows me, you know, I kind of like to have a little boogie, and I also don't take life too seriously.
So, you know, there's that as well, but I thought this could go two ways. I could have very serious business women crossing their arms and giving me. murmurs of non approval or grunts, or I could have them jumping out of their seat going, let's do this anyway. so I did not know how this was going to go.
And the feedback after has been quite incredible if I'm really honest. Okay. So we're in Melbourne. We're in the Docklands, or South Wharf and we start in the actual room of where we are, but I know what's going to happen. And I also know that this thing goes for one hour. We had told all of our guests to bring sneakers because we didn't want anyone to have really sore feet, which you would imagine.
And [00:03:00] I thought incorrectly, I thought it'll just be really gentle. Won't be that much dancing. It'll be fine. Anyway, As soon as they put the headphones on one, it was a game because each team had their own set of headphones and different, songs coming out of their headphones to there was competition because they were, um, working us through to see who could be the loudest, all that kind of stuff.
And then three, they took us outside. We were dancing, literally dancing in the streets. My husband was at day with the queen because he's amazing. Shout out to monkey mark. And, um, he left to go and pick up our daughter. And before he went to pick up our daughter, he went into a couple of shops in South wharf.
And then he said. After the event, he said there was some commotion from the security guards at the front of some of the shops. And she said, he said, then I heard you all singing. and I looked at the guy and the guy looked at me like those girls were nutters [00:04:00] and My husband said, yeah, that's my wife.
I'm surprised we didn't make it on the news. Ladies, surprised we didn't make it on the news. We dance with strangers in the street. We pulled stupid moves. And once you let go of some of your own inhibitions, wow. Time just flew. Anyway, I have an aura ring, a health tracker, and it told me that I dance solid for an hour and one minute.
So there you go. I just wanted to bring the joy. It's been a heavy year for a lot of people and I thought, what better way to do it? I have had feedback, consistent feedback from that. That was the best thing on the day, which was not my intention, but the best thing of the day because they have never smiled so much.
They've never had so much fun. They've never laughed so much. Now, ladies, these are serious business owners. And as we were being corralled through, uh, food court, I took the time to step out of the group and asked a couple of people, do you think these are serious [00:05:00] business women? And they were cracking up because you know what?
You can be a serious business woman and you can still bring the joy. you can be a serious business owner and you can still have a laugh. Now, Silent Disco may not be your thing. Although seriously, look it up. It's freaking amazing. Your joy might come from other places. We're not having enough joy.
We are not having enough joy. We are juggling children, aging parents. We're juggling businesses. We're juggling families, all the things. So my question to you is, and today I want to focus on Where are we getting joy from? Let's just do a little joy audit. Shall we? I mean, you may say, Oh, Emma, what's this got to do with business?
It's got everything to do with business. How you shop is how you will attract people, right? Your vibe absolutely attracts your tribe. Now I'm not like a bold, crazy kind of chick who stands up on stage and goes, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop. That is not me, but I am. intrinsically very happy, [00:06:00] very optimistic, and I do love joy.
So I've got a couple of, four questions that I'd like to ask you. So if you're listening to this and you're not driving or walking and you can write this down, I want you to do a little bit of an audit for yourself. the first question is, what activities bring you JOY? What activities bring you joy?
Now, a silent disco is not something you do every single day, although if you weren't there, but it might be what activities bring you joy on the daily. What activities bring you joy on the weekly and the monthly and the yearly right for you Those of you that don't know when I map my calendar out at the start of the year The first thing I put in is holidays man Holidays, I'm married to a school teacher I also have school aged children and so school holidays are really important for us And I make sure that I map all that that gives me joy because I know every 10 weeks.
I'm gonna get a break That's awesome. So that's my yearly kind of thing. The things that give me joy quarterly is some time to [00:07:00] myself going away. We've got a cabin in Inverloch. I go away a couple of times throughout the year, just to get away, do some deep thinking, all the things that brings me joy.
On the daily, what brings me joy? Naps. Naps brings me so much joy. Reading. I love to read. I've got a book always on the go. I like gardening. The other one that gives me joy, and this is probably more biweekly, is roller skating. I know you can't fathom it, but I love roller skating. I was the kid in the eighties who went to the roller skating rink every single Friday, and no, I can't.
Go backwards. I'm working on it. and hang out with my friends and roller skate and do crazy games and all of that kind of thing, roller skating brings me so much joy. So do an audit. What does that look like? What does that look like on the daily? So for me, it might be a warm cup of tea.
The first thing in the morning after my walk, I will have a cup of tea. It's gotta be sweet and white. And I love having a cup of tea. Just brings me joy. So what are you doing on the daily? What are [00:08:00] you doing on the weekly? What are you doing on the monthly quarterly and yearly? Think about those things.
Then ask yourself once you've got that list. Have you been doing enough of these activities? These are the first things that drop off for any business owner who's been Got some semblance of a business going on, right? The things that give us joy drop off. And sometimes you will know if it gives you joy because you get energized by it.
It's not a drag. Like I look forward to going to roller skating. Cause I'm a nerd, but if there's any other roller skaters out there, I mean, Brianna Bambi saved me because she loves rollerblading too. She just got a new set and I love those. I also have rainbow skates and they make me very happy. So, you know, there's that, but have you been doing enough of these activities?
I reckon sometimes when we're not feeling the joy, we're feeling a little bit ripped off. So have you been doing enough of these activities? My third question to you is how much time alone do you need? How much time alone do you need? I'm an introvert. I know that [00:09:00] sounds crazy. And if you listen to me and you watch me, you will see that I'm like, Oh, my hands are going everywhere.
And you know, I like having a chat, but to re energize I need time to myself. You 000 steps a day at a minimum. And that time is time to myself, right? I might walk the dog. I might. do a Marco Polo while I'm out, but it's literally time to myself. If I have a heavy coaching load one week, I know that I need to bring that energy.
So I know I need to have some time in between to have some time to myself. I try and eat my lunch in silence. I try and have as put as much silence into my day because I know that that gives me energy.
So how much time alone do you have is my third question. And my fourth question is, have you been taking that time for yourself? It's one thing to know. Logically, I need that time to myself. It's another thought to actually. Do it, right? It's one thought to say, yeah, I need to set myself up well for tomorrow, so I'm going to go to bed [00:10:00] early tonight.
It's great to have the thought, then there's got to be some follow through. So if you're not, how do you tweak your week to make that work? Or how do you tweak your day to make that work? The other thing that I would say is, I have, absolute JOMO. You know how some people have FOMO, fear of missing out.
I've got JOMO, joy of missing out. And as we go into the silly season, I keep hearing ladies especially say to me, there's so much stuff on, we've got this one, that one. And I say to them, well, you can say no. And they're like, what? I'm like, I've said no to almost everything because I know it's a crazy time of the year.
I know I'm going to end up burnt out if I say yes to all the things. And so I'm very, very selective about the things that I do. I've been selective about that all year and I've got comfortable with missing out. I'm okay with missing out. I love that other people are going out and doing all the things and I can watch it through socials if I want to, but I [00:11:00] have Jomo joy of missing out.
What about you? Do you need to insert some Jomo into your life versus a Fomo? I want to finish up by saying just because you're joyful doesn't mean you're any less professional. It doesn't mean you're any less of a business woman. Just like someone on LinkedIn told me that Emma, you wear so much pink. I can't take you seriously.
Well, you don't have to take me seriously. You don't even have to do look at my profile. In fact, why don't you just block me? No problems whatsoever. I think what a load of. because you're joyful does not make you unprofessional. You can have joy and you can get results in business. I am a living example of that.
I feel like the more joy you have, the more people want to be around you. The better the results are, right? So I'd love you just to take a moment as we finish out this episode and think to yourself, Am I joyful? What is the energy that I am putting out? Am I great to be around or am I a bit morbid?[00:12:00]
There are some people who have no self awareness and they are a bit morbid and they're wondering why they're not getting results in their business. I can tell you, you need to do some work on yourself. You need to bring the joy. You it doesn't even have to be joy. You just need to bring the contentment.
Happiness is an absolute inside job. I can categorically say that I am happy on the inside. Everything can swirl around me, but intrinsically I am just a happy individual. I've been blessed by that. I am very grateful. I do a lot of gratitude practice and maybe that all helps, but I like to bring the joy.
If someone doesn't want to bring joy, they probably won't want to work with me. And I'm okay with that. I hope you found this, illuminating, just to cover off the four questions. What are the activities that bring you joy and map those daily? Fortnightly? Monthly? Quarterly? Yearly? Have you been doing enough of these activities?
Number two, have you been doing enough of these activities? Three, how much time do you need on your own to recharge or just have some space? [00:13:00] And four, have you been taking that time for yourself? And if some of those questions are no, no, no, let's change that, hey? If you need an accountability buddy, let me know.
I would love to help. Until next time.