Tea with the Queen


tea with the queen

QUEEN’S COUNSEL – Breaking down the fear of rejection

Season 4
Ep. 16
No one sets out to be rejected. Or do they? Emma McQueen has a strategy that does just that. Selling is a numbers game. If you know that a successful […]
tea with the queen

You can achieve your dreams - Andrea Pearce

Season 4
Ep. 15
It all starts with a plan, then comes a dash of stability, a sprinkling of a strategy, all mixed in with the right mindset. According to Andrea Pearce, they’re the […]
tea with the queen

Compassion is in her DNA - Di Geddes

Season 4
Ep. 14
The world needs more people like Di Geddes. She’s the founder and director of Exceptional Care For You, a much-needed in-home disability and aged-care service. A lot of companies write […]
tea with the queen

QUEEN’S COUNSEL - The myth of scaling up for growth

Season 4
Ep. 13
Most of us in business want to grow. The question is by how much? What’s the yard-stick? How do you measure growth and what should you aim at? Those are […]
tea with the queen

A focus on integrity and sustainability - Angela Spillane

Season 4
Ep. 12
By its very nature, construction uses a lot of materials. Interior designer Angela Spillane is hyper aware of the sustainability of those materials when she’s creating award-winning interiors. Angela is […]
tea with the queen

We all have a story to tell -Susan Dean

Season 4
Ep. 11
Have you ever thought of writing a book but haven’t done so yet? Don’t put it off any longer – just give it a go! Everyone has a story buried […]
tea with the queen

QUEEN’S COUNSEL – You'll never be too busy for sales

Season 4
Ep. 10
Anyone in business knows that growth is not linear. Sales don’t stick to an incremental path, and the activities you do to generate growth, likewise, aren’t the same. It’s hard […]
tea with the queen

Not your average gym owner- Nikki Ellis

Season 4
Ep. 9
Is there anything that Nikki Ellis can’t do? For one, she was once a lecturer at university, giving evidence-based training to future personal trainers. She’s spoken in front of crowds […]
tea with the queen

Remarkable success of The Smoothie Bombs - Cinzia Cozzolino

Season 4
Ep. 8
Single mum Cinzia Cozzolino came up with a brilliant idea. She packed her daughter’s lunch with a healthy smoothie – it was quick, simple and nutritious. It was also the […]